- 60 exhibitors for 3 days.
- 3000 visitors.
- 260 speakers, 220 talks.
- Paris JUG.
To contextualize and quickly introduce the Devoxx.
This is the biggest French conference for developers and ops.
You can read some numbers to give you an order of scale.
One last point, the organizer is the Java User Group of Paris.
It's mainly a conference around the java world even if there are a lot of topics beyond Java
Topic | Hype | Maturity
--- | --- | ---
[wasm (web assembly)](#/wasm)| π₯ | π₯
[ GraphQL ](#/graphql) | π₯π₯ | π₯
[ Zero Trust ](#/zt) | π₯π₯π₯ | π₯
[ observable app for prod ](#/app) | π₯π₯ | π₯
[ Java ](#/java) | π₯π₯ | π₯
[ Cloud ](#/cloud) | π₯π₯π₯ | π₯
[ bdd scalable ](#/bdd) | π₯π₯π₯ | π₯
[ zero down time deploy ](#/zdt) | π₯ | π₯
_π₯: now π₯: next year ? π₯: one day ?_
Sujet | IntΓ©ret | MaturitΓ©
--- | --- | ---
[Choice of a new DB, Doctolib](#/doctolib)| π₯π₯ | π₯
[Code review architecture hexagone](#/hexagone)| π₯π₯π₯ | π₯
[Header Http](#/headers)| π₯π₯π₯ | π₯
_π₯: now π₯: next year ? π₯: one day ?_
#### Sujet au dela du tech
Sujet | IntΓ©ret | MaturitΓ©
--- | --- | ---
[ Women in tech ](#/femmes) | π₯π₯π₯ | π₯
[ ](#/slow) | π₯π₯π₯ | π₯π₯
[ log4shell ](#/log) | π₯π₯ | π₯
[ opensource licences ](#/licences) | π₯ | π₯
[ mob programming ](#/mob) | π₯π₯ | π₯
_π₯: now π₯: next year ? π₯: one day ?_
#### Sujet au dela du tech
Sujet | IntΓ©ret | MaturitΓ©
--- | --- | ---
[ Access my brain through an API ](#/brain) | π₯π₯ | π₯
[ How I helped my daughter read with machine learning ](#/read) | π₯π₯ | π₯
_π₯: now π₯: next year ? π₯: one day ?_
## wasm
- To do fast javascript
- use cases: the adobe suite, port app in browser
- not yet ready for IT management
Several topics on wasm, web assembly.
To explain wasm :
It's assembler that runs in the browser
So we gain in speed compared to interpreted code
Several compilers have added wasm in their target
The most popular are rust and go
And some languages were created for the sole purpose of making wasm, like AssemblyJS
The current use cases are the porting of destock applications to a browser
We can mention the Adode suite and many video games
For Adobe, the gain was also to secure access to their application via the browser
In my opinion, we won't see wasm in business computing soon
## GraphQL
- Another way to build APIs
- a REST alternative
- For me, won't be the replacement for REST
Is it finally time for graphql?
Spoiler: I don't think so!
This is a "new" way of designing APIs
it uses HTTP but it's very different from REST
I had watched graphQL in 2018 for me it hasn't changed
and I don't think it will be a big news. Even if some platform offers graphQL API like gitlab.
## Zero Trust
- Powered by covid / remote work
- the idea is to copy google
- the zero trust you can see it with the use of your amazon/gmail account
A really interesting conference.
One of the speakers was an engineer from google.
As is the case today, remote work has become an important part of the way we work.
And so new threats are coming
Another element is added, the BYOD, Bring You Own Device.
That is, everyone wants to check these emails from their own phone.
And this phone is not necessarily controlled by the company
These elements make it necessary for enterprise architectures to change.
The old model is the castle.
A VPN secures the entry in the information system of the company.
Very difficult to keep with BYOD
And it is necessary to be confident of all the walls of the castle and not only of the bridge
The new model is compared to the airport model with segmented access and controls everywhere.
For more information see the video
## app observable pour la prod
- the tool behind is opentelemetry
- log, metrics => tracing
- correlation id π
This conference is a feedback.
How to make life easier when you're on call and have to debug at 2am.
The speaker gives the main principles to follow and implement to better understand the applications that run in production
3 points, Log + Metrics give tracing
He implemented these principles using opentelemetry
A returning element in the Michelin world, use correlion id !
## Java
- reactive application, the new way to do java
- new threads have arrived (LOOM)
In conclusion, java is late !
Don't do java, java is outdated!
Otherwise, a modern way of doing java. It is to make reactive application and for that you can use the Reactor library.
To quickly explain how a reactive application works.
It's the back end, it can be the database, that will push to the front end the update of the data.
On the other hand, in the Java news, there are new threads,
I think that all people who use java threads can be happy!
## Cloud
- lots of aws and some gcp
- lambda function
A quick word about Cloud providers
I have seen many Aws and lambda function.
And few Google Cloud Platform
Managed databases are also popular
## BDD Scalable
- postgresql is fine
- difficult to migrate (vendor lock, and often too many refactors)
- scales are a cut above our use cases, record billions
A feedback from Doctolib.
Doctolib is a French unicorn that offers to make appointments with doctors or vaccinations.
Usually, doctolib performed their performance tests on an overload of times 3
But one day the vaccination against covid arrived.
And there was a problem of load
The architects of Doctolib are looking for a database to accept ten times the load
Historically, they had a postgresql
They benchmarked different managed database solutions
None of them reached their expectation
Even if the managed databases were postgresql, there was a lot of work to do to migrate
Moreover the vendor lock was very/too restrictive
The solution was to hire a DBA, improve their request and cut the big base into several bases
And their conclusion is that it was enough and they think they can go even further
## zero down time deploy
- split the release into a series of releases
- common sense
It wasn't the most fun conference with the biggest revelations.
Without the need for a tool, it is enough to cut the big releases into small compatible releases
Use common sense!
I take this opportunity to remind you of 2 Unix principle:
Keep it simple, stupid
Do One Thing and Do It Well
## Women in tech
- be proactive
- make life easier for women
The speaker was a black woman, homosexual.
That's how she introduced herself
She shook the room
What I learned is that the best way to get women into tech is to be proactive.
For example, setting up aids for women's menstruation
Suggested activities other than going to drink beers in front of a soccer game
- green it, more than urgent *3 years*
- do not do IT if you can avoid it
We have 3 years to keep the world as we know it otherwise climate change will be irreversible
The speaker gave many examples, I invite you to go and see them.
But what impressed me the most.
This message:
the best way to do green-it,
is not to do IT when possible
An example was to compare the AI of google to detect cancers.
This sounds like a very good idea. But no.
A team of researchers managed to do much better with dog.
## log4shell
- use at own risk
- help open source foundations (donations, contributions)
the first message was to remind the first line of the Apache license.
"use at own risk"
The volunteers of the Apache foundation explained us that after Log4shell,
they started to work with state authorities to get help
And they also reminded us that the best way to help them was to contribute,
make donations, open bugs, or simply contribute
## opensource licences
- the new thing is the ethical licenses !
- licenses even more restrictive than free licenses
- example: 996
A very geeky subject and finally with a room full of people
A big reminder about the licenses types open source and free as libre
But the great new thing of the early 2020s is the ethical licenses
In a few words, these licenses are even more restrictive than the GPL.
They impose rules on the context (from 9am to 9pm for 6 days).
And other prohibit a military use of their libraries.
## Mob Programming
- Method presentation
- Advantages / Disadvantages
- Estimated performance gain
## Access my brain through an API
- Brainwave Analysis Helmet
- Data recovery
- Kafka / Api
## How I helped my daughter read with machine learning
- Bases of machine Learning
- Speech Recognition
## Hexagonal Architecturoplasty of a Node.js Backend: Open-Code Operation
- Code review front / back (3 ans)
- Presentation architecture in hexagon